What We Offer

Discover Your Path

Providing workshops and discussions on core topics: SMART Goal Setting, Financial Literacy, Networking, Career Discovery, and Self-Esteem Building to help youth build a growth mindset earlier in life which will help them take on real world challenges, opportunties, and success. Our program focuses on building a "growth mindset" Founded by Dr. Carol S. Dweck - “ The ability to learn is not fixed" The concept is founded on the principles of exploring, confronting, and moving past failure to build on key transferable skills.

Youth will take part in workshops 2 times a week and work with Skills For Life staff to develop and work on personal, academic, social, and caeer based SMART goals via our SFL goal books and SFL app. Youth will develop Life Skills to help in pursuit of employment and self- discovery. Youth who maintain activity will qualify for a free sports training camp 2 times a week (in person and virtual sessions) covered by Skills For Life

Activities and resources: weekly workshop sessions (via zoom), weekly phsyical sport sessions (Basketball, Boxing), Online virtual drill training, Special guest speakers and panel events. Youth are given SFL goal books and access to our SFL goal setting app allowing youth to develop/ work on their S.M.A.R.T goals.

The outcomes of the project are: 1) Youth are motivated and understand how to set SMART goals 2) Youth are connected to and learn the importance of physical activity 3) Youth gain new knowledge in all SFL Life Skills focus areas

New Age Mentorship

We match youth (13-18) with a young adult mentor - who provides support but also shares knowledge around personal and career journey - and helps them to work on their short and long term goals. 2-4 hours of programing a week for a min of 8 weeks

The mentorship program will embrace unique, entrepreneurial and emerging forms of employment such as: small business (Tech, Health, Hair/Self Care, digital influencers and creators, and will also educate and connect youth to more traditional career paths. This group will consist of young adults and people of colour who have been able to turn their passion into a business and build stable, consistent livelihoods and or secondary revenue streams. The Mentors Group will provide support to younger youth, teaching them about how to apply business principles to their passion and also guiding them through the thought process of how to determine

Activities and resources: weekly workshop sessions, current events pow-wows, social cohesion engagements (via sport, gaming, arts) (Zoom during covid19). Youth are given SFL goal books and access to our SFL goal setting app allowing youth to develop/ work on their S.M.A.R.T goals (personal, professional, academic, social).

The outcomes of the project is: 1) Ensuring youth are connected to positive and motivating resources throughout Covid19 2) Ensuring youth are continuing to prepare themselves for real world challenges, opportunities, and success in career paths 3) Building up youth self-esteem and ideas about giving to their community.